Japanese Curry With Omelet

The recipe may look simple, but it tastes amazing. This will make a giant pot of curry for 4-8 servings depending on how much you eat... I love it so I would say it tends to last me about 4 servings but I am crazy.
I call this an "omelet" but it's more like soft scrambled eggs.
Curry Ingredients
  • 1 box Hot Vermont Curry Roux
    * Note: If necessary, other brand of curry roux may be used... but this is definitely the best tasting one.
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 whole yellow onion
  • 2 oz salted butter
  • Extra butter for the pan
    * Note: You just need to rub the stuck of butter against the hot pan to grease it, this doesn't really need a specific amount per se.
  • Water
    * Note: Can be substituted with chicken stock if you feel fancy.
Omelet Ingredients
  • 2-3 eggs per serving, depends how hungry you are
  • Splash of soy sauce
  • Optional but encouraged: Pinch of sugar
    * Note: I would call this mandatory, but I ran out of sugar the last 3 times I made this and kept forgetting to get more and it tastes fine without it, but I would definitely prefer with.
  • Butter for the pan (Like above, just need to grease the hot pan, you don't need to cut any particular amount)

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